Cody Rhodes needs to make a phone call Jon Moxley, to complete his 'Shield' against The Bloodline.


Cody Rhodes needs to make a phone call to complete his 'Shield' against The Bloodline 

Caride WWE.

Cody Rhodes, the famous wrestler, walked backstage, his mind filled with thoughts of strategy and preparation. Across the ring awaited The Bloodline, a strong alliance of champions, ready to defend their honor and dominance in the squared circle.
With a determined glint in his eyes, Cody knew that victory against such formidable opponents required more than mere physical prowess—it demanded meticulous planning and unwavering unity.
Pulling out his cell phone, Cody dialed a familiar number, his fingers tapping anxiously on the screen as he waited for the call to connect. At the other end, his longtime friend and fellow wrestler, Jon Moxley, picked up.

Caride WWE.

"Hey, Cody, what's up?" Jon's voice crackled through the phone.

"Cody here. Listen, I need your help. The Bloodline is coming after us, and we need to be ready. We've got the strength, but we're missing something crucial—a shield to protect us from their onslaught."
Jon's silence on the other end spoke volumes, his mind already racing with possibilities. "I'm in. What do you need?"
"We need Roman Reigns, the head of The Bloodline, to be kept in check. We need someone who can match his power and outsmart his cunning. That's where you come in."

Caride WWE.

A smile spread across Jaune's face, his excitement evident even through the phone. "Guess it's done. Reigns doesn't know what hit him."
With Jon on board, Cody felt a surge of confidence run through his veins. Together they will form an unbreakable shield against The Bloodline, ready to take on any challenge.
As the call ended, Cody knew victory was within his grasp. Along with Jon Moxley, they will stand tall against The Bloodline, their bond stronger than steel and their determination unwavering.

Fan Reaction 1: Excitement

Fan A: "Did you hear? Cody just made a phone call to complete his 'Shield' against The Bloodline!"
Fan B: "No way! Who did he call?"
Fan A: "Kenny Omega! They're teaming up to take on The Bloodline. This is going to be epic!"

Fan Reaction 2: Anticipation.

Fan C: "I can't believe Cody and Kenny are teaming up against The Bloodline. It's going to be intense!"
Fan D: "I know, right? The Bloodline has been dominating lately, but with Cody and Kenny joining forces, they might actually have a chance."

Fan Reaction 3: Doubt

Fan E: "I'm not sure if Cody and Kenny can pull this off. The Bloodline is on another level."

Fan F: "Yeah, I have my doubts too. But hey, never underestimate the power of teamwork. Let's see what they're capable of."

Fan Reaction 4: Optimism.

Fan G: "I have faith in Cody and Kenny. They're both incredibly talented wrestlers. Together, they might just be able to defeat The Bloodline."

Fan H: "Absolutely! And you can't discount the element of surprise. The Bloodline won't see this coming."

Fan Reaction 5: Excitement for the Match.

Fan I: "I can't wait for the match! Cody and Kenny against The Bloodline—it's going to be a showdown for the ages."
Fan J: "Definitely! This phone call has added a whole new level of intrigue to the rivalry. I'll be tuning in for sure!"
Overall, fans are buzzing with excitement, anticipation, and a touch of skepticism as Cody Rhodes makes the crucial phone call to complete his "Shield" against The Bloodline. Whether they believe in Cody and Kenny's chances or not, one thing is certain—the upcoming match promises to be electrifying and unforgettable.


As Cody Rhodes dialed the number, anticipation coursed through him. Completing his "Shield" against The Bloodline was paramount, and he knew just the person to call.
The phone rang once, twice, before a familiar voice answered, "Hello?"

There was a moment of silence before the voice on the other end replied, "I'm in. What do you need?"
Relief washed over Cody as he explained his plan, detailing the role he needed his ally to play in their strategy against The Bloodline.
"Consider it done," the voice assured him. "We'll be ready for them."
With a sense of determination, Cody ended the call, knowing that with his ally by his side, they stood a fighting chance against The Bloodline. As he looked ahead to the impending showdown, he felt a surge of confidence knowing that his "Shield" was now complete, ready to defend against whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Cody here," he said, his voice steady. "I need your help. The Bloodline is coming for us, and we need to be ready."


1. Who is Cody Rhodes calling?

Cody Rhodes: Dials phone "Hey, it's Cody. I need to talk to you about something important."

Kenny Omega: Answers "Hey, Cody! What's going on? Everything alright?"

2. What is the purpose of the call?

Cody Rhodes: "We're facing The Bloodline next week, and I need your help to complete our strategy against them. They're a tough bunch, and we need to be ready."

Kenny Omega: "Sure thing, Cody. I'm all ears. What do you need?"

3. How does Cody propose involving Kenny Omega in the plan?

Cody Rhodes: "We need someone to counter their speed and agility, and you're the best person for the job. Your high-flying moves and quick thinking will be invaluable against them."

Kenny Omega: "I'm honored, Cody. Count me in. We'll show The Bloodline what we're made of."

4. What is Kenny Omega's response?

Kenny Omega: "I'm in, Cody. Let's do this. The Bloodline won't stand a chance against us."

Cody Rhodes: "Thanks, Kenny. I knew I could count on you. Together, we'll form an unbeatable shield against them."

5. How does Cody feel after the call?

Cody Rhodes: Hangs up with a sense of determination "With Kenny on board, our 'Shield' against The Bloodline is complete. Nothing can stop us now."

As Cody hangs up the phone, a sense of confidence washes over him. With Kenny Omega joining forces, they are ready to face The Bloodline head-on, their alliance stronger than ever before.

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